Sunday, May 27, 2012

Some Indulgences

Awesome artwork/vase from Flor; flowers from the garden

Summer scarf I whipped up in 15 minutes; thanks CO Tealover for the fabric!

Gift from the DH

Weekend with girlfriends, including the Aji Spa

I hope you are indulging yourself, at least a little!


  1. Indulgences are a very good thing. Love seeing each of your, especially that last one at a spa with friends. That is perfection.

  2. love those toes. We all need indulgences sometimes, keeps us sane.

  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Love that scarf! How did you make it?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The scarf is simply edge-stitched all around, then unraveled two threads on each side for a bit of texture. It's cotton lawn, very light and airy.

    Also, the plant in the teacup is lariope.


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