Thursday, July 05, 2012

Considering Chamomile

Chamomile tea fans - please come to the rescue!  I confess, I am not a fan.  First, chamomile is of the ragweed family and I avoid it due to allergies.  Second, the plant (in my opinion) is stinky.  Plucking it out of the fields where it grows wild, the aroma overwhelms me. 

To its credit, the little flowers are pretty and hardy!  I like them as a bouquet. 

The DH sampled the herbal tea for me. He described it as NOT vegetal, lightly sweet with a hint of licorice.
For those chamomile fans out there, help me out!  What do you love about this herbal tea?


  1. It took me a long time to enjoy and appreciate this herbal tisane. I can now say that I find it relaxing and enjoyable as a soothing cup before I go to bed at night. It's important not to steep it for too long --- and I always sweeten it with stevia --- which adds a great dose of pleasure to the cup. I agree that the plant/flowers are very strong in nature, so I don't want to get too close! But, our local lavender farm has a huge bed of chamomile near the lavender beds, and it accents their gardens so well. I appreciate it there, but don't grow any at home.


  2. Thank you for the tips, La Tea Dah!

  3. Anonymous3:41 AM

    I am no help as I do not care for chamomile either.

  4. Teafan9:45 AM

    I don't really like chamomile tea, but I like the *idea* of it. ;-) Here's a nice poem:

  5. I love the taste quite frankly. I drink it with a bit of honey to soothe stomach aches and also to calm me when I need a good night's sleep. Maybe it's just me but I truly loved it from the first time I ever tried it and unlike La Tea Dah, I actually steep it for long periods and have even let it steep 10 or more minutes simply because I forgot about it and liked it even better! Ha!

  6. Hello
    Steph's Cup of Tea
    I really believe that this unique passage is a nice write-up! Keep doing what you're doing!

  7. Teresa - I am in your debt to give this herbal a fair shake!

  8. I do like chamomile, but I can understand how people would dislike it, as it often has a blunt but strong bitter aftertaste. I find it is something that I have to be in the right mood for.

  9. I've wasn't a fan of chamomile at first, Steph, but found that I could enjoy it if I was just in the right mood. Its aroma reminds me of fresh apples and it's very soothing, especially when I'm feeling frazzled. Your post has inspired me now to revisit this herbal, possibly in a post of my own. :)
    Cheers, Karen

  10. Not a huge fan of this one myself, but your photos are lovely!


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