Monday, July 23, 2012

Orange is a Happy Color

Orange helps me to smile and so it shows up often in my life. 

Above:  In my new Beehive teacup (now in the office to battle the dull grey cube)
Below:  Glads from the garden
And how perfect this new table runner (from a very generous friend), the red-orange and gold
blending in happy tones


  1. What a sweet teacup, Steph...never seen one quite like it. The happy orange color is sure to start your day off with a smile :)

  2. Orange is one of my daughters-in-law's favorite color as well as my oldest granddaughter's. Your new teacup will definitely produce happy vibes! ;-)

  3. Orange is for sure a happy color. Love the new teacup and can just imagine how happy it feels to be on your desk at work. The flowers and table runner are a joy to behold also.

  4. How pretty! The teacup is a great way to brighten up your work space.

  5. Did you know that Tangerine Tango (a lovely orange) is Pantone's Color of the Year?


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