Thursday, August 30, 2012

Heart Tugs

A year ago today, I embarked on the China/Tibet/India tea tour.  I can't fully express how meaningful that trip was for me.  It's been a year and I'm not done blogging about it.  I'll start writing about Tibet in a few days.  :-)  My heart is tugged by memories of the scenery, the tea fields, the food and the room friend and tour mates, the tour guides, the tea farmers, the tea brokers, the tea pickers.  I am so fortunate to have had this experience.  I'm wearing my very special tea scarf today as an homage to the tour.

Also tugging at my heart is my family.  It's hard to live far away.  I just returned from a family reunion (that's why I haven't blogged much). 

I was delighted to be able to give my niece her 5-year-old birthday present (a wee bit early).

It's a ceramic tea set with the cups/saucers, teapot and creamer/sugar shaped like flowers.  Each cup and saucer is a different color.  Of course, we had a tea party and she planned the menu:  Angel food cake cut into shapes, grapes and apples.  She tried milk in her tea, but didn't think much of it.  ;-) 

So this is life today, celebrating my niece and remembering my travels, and a bit sad that it all goes so quickly.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    You always make your time at home so special for your niece. I can tell you, she has a tug in her heart when you leave. By making the trip home, you made the family reunion a little more special for me.
    Love you,

  2. What a lovely post today about the two things that are so special in your life - family and tea!

  3. I think you did a good job savoring each moment eventhough it went quickly. How lovely to remember your trip and your time with family. The wearing of the scarf too is a special touch of remembrance and celebration.

  4. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Oh, what a special tea party. So glad you had the opportunity to spend time with those you love.

    Can't resist teaware shaped like flowers. I am sure your sweet niece will treasure such a beautiful tea set.

    I am having tea with friends today and will wear my scarf too and think of our fabulous adventure.


    Mary Jane

  5. Colleen11:14 PM

    I've been thinking about our China trip also- I can't believe it has been a year already! truly life-changing for me- and it gave me new, dear friends like you and your room friend!

  6. We love you and miss you so much!! I cried when I read this....

  7. Steph, this was a beautiful post. You wear your heart on your sleeve... and share yourself with the world. You touch many, inpire along the way, and love much.


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