Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Join Me in a Review of Paisley Tea Co Samples

Hello!  Paisley Tea Company has been kind to send me samples of its new products, and I'd like a few of YOU to help me in the review!  I'll pick two people from the commenters (one random, one my choice). I will send you samples and post your reviews here.  (No experience required and I will provide some guidance.)

If you're interested, leave a comment and be sure I know how to reach you.  ;-) 


  1. Pick me, pick me. Kim and I will taste test!

  2. I looked at their website. This looks like a tea I would enjoy tasting.

  3. Sounds like fun. They have a lovely web site.

  4. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I would love to tea taste with you. I should say my husband and I would. We like tasting teas and trying to taste the differences in them. Judy

  5. I would love being picked!

  6. I would love to help you taste test.

    ginger c at gmail dot com

  7. OK, you six are in! ;-)

  8. Judy - Pls provide your contact info and I will send you the tea. You can email me at stephw3-at-yahoo-dot-com


I value your comments, thank you!