Monday, August 13, 2012

Meatless Monday 13: Easy summer salads (non-green) with berries

Berries, berries!  I live in the land of berry heaven.  Here are two ways I've recently incorporated berries into our meals.  Above, garbanzo beans, oil and vinegar, pepper, a bit of blue cheese and currants.  It was fabulous!

Below, one of my favorites, quinoa salad with blueberries and hazelnuts, two of Oregon's prize crops.  Recipe from Bob's Red MillI used fresh berried instead of dried, have used several different types of vinegar, and throw in fresh herbs.  This makes a big batch!  It's easy to halve the recipe. 


  1. They both look yummy, but, if I had to pick just one, the quinoa would be my choice!

  2. Those salads look delicious. I haven't had fresh currants for many years - never see them around here, but I do use dried currants in scones.

  3. You do live in berry heaven! We must have been there during the peak season. We passed many U-pick places.

  4. Just yummy, yummy, yummy as can be! And pretty too!

  5. These look and sound delicious!

  6. Yes, our berries are so amazing. Love seeing the way you are using them.

  7. These sound delicious! I'm going to have to try both.c


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