Monday, September 24, 2012

Pacific Nowrthwest is a Happening Place for Tea this Fall!

So many exciting events coming up!

Moon Viewing at the Portland Japanese Garden:  Friday - Sunday, September 28 - 30th, 6 - 8:30 pm.  I will be there, assisting in the tea house.  Please come by and observe a Japanese Tea Ceremony as you stroll the grounds under the glow of the full moon.

Northwest Tea FestivalOctober 6 - 7th, Seattle.  This will be my third year to attend, and I love this event!  Some of the brightest tea leaders in the country share their knowledge.  The price is scandalously low, and the tea tastings are full of interesting (and tasty!) options.  I look forward to this event all year.

Wu-Wo Class at the Northwest Tea Festival:  October 6th, 1:30 - 2:30 pm.  Our Northwest Wu-Wo Tea Association will be hosting a class this year at the festival. Join us!  (And here's a link to our group's brand new website.)

Check out the Portland Tea Events website for a list of many more interesting tea opportunities. 


  1. Thanks Stephanie! There is alot going on for sure. The whole month of October is tea month at the Lan Su Chinese Gardens too with many events.

  2. Wow! You do have a lot of wonderful tea events transpiring in your area. I'll look forward to hearing all about them.

  3. One year I am going to make it to the festival in Seattle. My dear step-daughter lives in Bellevue and I can combine tea and a nice visit! Maybe next year!

  4. Jealous here. That is all. (!)


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