Thursday, October 11, 2012

Eileen Fisher and Seattle Event

Over the past month, I've become an Eileen Fisher fan.

I've long admired her classic, versatile and sustainably-made clothing. Add to that what I've recently learned about the company and Eileen in the excellent book, How Great Women Lead, and I'm even more impressed. The company's business practices give me hope that alternative models that consider human needs and the environment really do work.

I had a chance to visit the Seattle store recently and enjoyed a long conversation about the company with three employees, Sue, Candy and Pam, above. Probably the best possible testament to the company, these three women spoke very highly of its culture.

I will be honest - I viewed the store like a wearable art museum. The pieces are pricey and my frugal ways give me pause. Nonetheless, I find myself tempted! Pieces are made to last. Everything blends - even from year to year. In NY, there is a pilot Green Eileen store that sells used Eileen Fisher clothing.  The non-profit supports programs for women and girls. So there's hope that I may yet own a piece or two in a recycled 'fashion'!

For my Seattle friends, there is a reception being held next Th the 18th at the store on Pine Street for Nancy Pearl. You might know of Nancy from her Book Lust reviews. If you can go, RSVP by today at 206-748-0770. And enjoy the gorgeous clothing!


  1. Wearable art always temps me. Thank you for this post. I am an individual who loves textiles --- old, new, plain, or fancy --- I am always drawn to them.

  2. Teafan10:48 AM

    Cool - I have a friend in NYC and will ask her to check out the Green store!

  3. There is something very fun about just walking through a special shop where you love what you see. Often I get inspiration from just looking to look differently at what is already in my closet and how inexpensively I can acquire a particular look. How fun for you to get to enjoy this experience.

  4. I've always loved Eileen Fisher clothing but like you the prices have kept me from purchasing. There are independent sewing patterns that allow you to kind of get the same look. If the clothing does indeed last for years and years it may be worth it to purchase 1 "good" thing instead of 6 "disposable" things.

  5. If the employees speak well of the company, that says a lot! Like Ginger, I now find myself thinking more about "investing" in one good piece instead of having to buy new clothes more often.


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