Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Meal of Thanksgiving

Thought I'd take a walk down memory lane with a meal of thanksgiving from a little over a year ago...

It was the last day of our China/India Tea Tour and we were visiting with Mr. Rajiv Lochan, of Lochan Tea, in Siliguri, India.  His family had prepared this delicious sendoff feast for us to enjoy in their home.  To have such a special home-cooked meal was deeply touching. 

I'll write more about the Lochan family tea business soon, but for now I want to focus on this meal.  My heart was full of thanks for the past several weeks of touring throughout China, Tibet and India.  I felt so honored to be invited into Mr. Lochan's home and to share this meal with his family.  It was especially touching to meet his children, his wife and his mother. 

The food was exceptional!  Our feast included two types of raita (cucumber/onion and pineapple), lentils, paneer cheese in a delicous sauce, peas and potatoes, beautiful rice, mint chutney and puri, a traditional fried puff bread.  We also enjoyed traditional Indian sweets - oh, my so good!  The orange cups above had a cookie center, covered with finely chopped and candied orange peel.  Wow!  And a milk sweet, which is milk that has been cooked down very slowly and becomes a wonderful texture.  
Rajiv Lochan in his office

As we were leaving, I placed my hands in the prayer-at-heart position and said "namaste" to Mr. Lochan's mother.  She offered the same parting wish to me and patted me on the arm.  It was like a blessing. This moment is with me still!

Today I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have taken this trip, the means to do so, and the  positive influence that tea has in my life.  I am thankful for the friends I made along the journey.

I give thanks to all my friends who share their kindness so generously.  I offer up thanks for my family that wants only the best for me.  And I am especially grateful for my wonderful DH (dear hubby).

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. What a wonderful memory! (And a delicious one at that!)

    Have a great and blessed Thanksgiving, Steph!

  2. Teafan4:17 PM

    Namaste to you! Here's to wishing I was having an Indian Thanksgiving!

  3. Colleen11:09 AM

    What a great memory this post brings. I remember those beautiful dishes, that the food was delicious and the hospitality so warm and welcoming. I remembered feeling so honored to be invited into Rajiv's home and family. Thank you Stephanie for a wonderful post and reminder of a special time.

  4. This was indeed a special meal. It is always a treasure when traveling to be invited into someone's home and a real gift. I love all the blue on the table and the food sounds amazingly wonderful.

  5. Such a beautiful post, gratitude and thanksgiving expressed from the heart. You are blessed in many ways, Steph.

  6. A wonderful memory of a very special occasion during our travels together. I too remember the warm and generous family who welcomed us to share in their lovely meal and the sharing of thoughts around the table. It was indeed an honor.

    Dear Steph, I think fondly of our adventures together and thank you for your friendship.

    Mary Jane


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