Thursday, November 15, 2012

Two Vegan Tea Party Sandwiches

Here are two very simple recipes from the after work tea party earlier in the week.  Let me know if you try them!  I'd love your feedback.

I needed things that could be made ahead.  I also wanted one sandwich that had a bit of sweetness and one that was more savory.  And they're both vegan, which is something you're going to see me write more about.  I'm not trying to be preachy, as I'm not strictly vegan or even vegetarian (mostly so inside our home).  Rather, I find this a fun challenge, and a healthy one too!  So here we go...

Chow Chow with Cream Cheese
Marmalady shared a jar of her famous chow chow with the me.  It's yummy!  Sweet with a bit of tartness, colorful and just perfect for a tea sandwich.

To prepare, I spread vegan cream cheese on both sides of hearty bread (with crusts removed).  It's easy to find vegan breads in the grocery store.  Just watch out for whey and honey, among the other obvious items.  Then I spread on the chow chow, taking it right up to the edge so that the color would peek through.  I cut into triangles and devoured an entire sandwich on the spot.  Delicious! 

Honestly, I'm surprised how well the vegan cream cheese works.

Mushroom on Toast

This one is sure to please even the most carnivorous of your friends.  Sautee half an onion and one crushed clove of garlic.  Add a pan full of diced mushrooms.  Sautee until the mushrooms release their juices and then reabsorb it (some liquid also evaporates).  Season with just a pinch of salt and plenty of black pepper.  Shape your bread as desired and toast it.  Spoon on the mushroom mixture and enjoy several helpings.


  1. They both look SO delicious! Yum Yum!!!

    I love vegan cream cheese. It does work well for so many things. I enjoy it mixed with chopped olives, a bit of soy sauce, and chopped walnuts. Mix together for another vegan spread.

    Sometimes I use tofu to make creams as well --- occasionally mixing them with raw cashews. So many things you can do with food once you start experimenting.

    Thanks for sharing your recipes!

  2. Both sound delicious! Now I really must make a chow-chow sandwich soon. I always love toast with goodies on top too. The mushroom would be delicious I am sure.

  3. Teafan11:16 AM

    VERY excited about the vegan tea foods!

  4. I am a vegan most of the time....especially when my milk respiratory allergy is bothering me. So this is a great post! I was so glad to find vegan cream cheese and sour cream a few years ago...then when I am on the vegan diet I don't feel so deprived and it is so much easier to plan meals. Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!

  5. Yummy! Can't beat mushrooms. My Mother used to make chow-chow. Memories!!! Happy Tea Day!


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