Friday, December 14, 2012

Stash Tea's New Tea Bar in Portland

New Stash Tea store in Portland

Along a pretty tree-lined street in Portland OR,  Stash Tea has opened a tea bar and retail store.  This is the second retail store for the company and the first tea bar.  The neighborhood, Mississippi Avenue, is known for its independent and artsy shops and I very much enjoy visiting.  The Stash Tea Bar is a nice addition.

You probably know of Stash from is colorful teabags.  Until recently, I didn't realize that the company also sells loose-leaf teas.  When you walk into the store, you're greeted on the right by canister after canister of the loose leaf, and on the left by floor-to-ceiling shelves with teas ready for purchase.  You can also find a nice selection of tea pots and other implements.  I was particularly fond of little ceramic storage jars, and the price was very reasonable.  If you prefer bagged teas, you can find those, too.

Thanks to Stash Tea for this photo

Thanks to Stash Tea for this photo

While you're at it, sample one of the teas on display and contemplate a tea latte or other beverage at the tea bar.  The friendly staff will be happy to tell you about Stash's history and the architecture of the retail space.

The open and bright space is pleasant.  Grab a seat by the window to enjoy your tea beverage as you watch the hip shoppers pass by on the street.

Stash Retail Store and Tea Bar
3972 N Mississippi Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97227
Sunday-Saturday: 10 AM - 6 PM

This picture is just so, so Portland with the cyclist and the pretty trees!


  1. Thanks, Stephanie!
    This is so close to my house, I really must go soon. Love walking along this street. The salt and chocolate shop is also a fun stop. Hope you found it.

  2. Teafan9:40 AM

    I'm always happy to see another tea business go in! Hoping this one does well.

  3. How wonderful for you to have this new shop right close by. Tea just keeps getting more popular all the time, and that's a good thing! ;-)

  4. Jesse4:54 PM

    You live in an area so ripe with tea opportunities!

  5. Thank you everyone! It will be a place I'm sure to visit each time I go to Mississippi Ave.

  6. I have enjoyed Stash teas for years and would very much enjoy having such a store nearby. Lucky you!


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