Friday, January 25, 2013

Red-Orange Pants

Blame it on the train...

I'd just missed it and had another 20 minutes to wait.  I was near the mall and so I popped into Eddie Bauer, just to browse and stay warm.  These wool pants were in the sale section.  They were 60% off an already marked-down price.  Have I mentioned that orange is my favorite color?  I'm particularly fond of this red-orange hue.  Surprisingly, the pants fit perfectly.  I didn't even need to hem them!

I missed the next train, of course.   


  1. They are beautiful! I love orange. :)

  2. I love them! Lucky find for sure! And they look so very good on you.

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    They look stunning on your perfect figure!
    I love the bright pop of says daring, bold, could go on, but I'll spare you. Heeheee...

    I would like to invite you on over to my blog, I'm hosting a tea time giveaway that you might like to enter. See you there, maybe!?!

    Ciao Bella
    Creative Carmelina

  4. That was meant to be! You look great.. and such a bargain!

  5. loralie11:18 AM

    cute pants.

    My pkg. arrived today. Thank you! Water is heating, now which tea to start with?
    I'm eating almonds as I make the decision-yummy.
    Thanks again.

  6. Train, schmain! You were *meant* to find that great deal on cute new pants!

  7. gorgeous! go w/ what u luv ! =)

  8. Sorry you missed the train, but those cute pants were calling your name! They look great on you!


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