Friday, January 11, 2013

The Winners Are...

Congratulations to Loralie and Lillian!  You've won my blog giveaway.  Yippee!  I'll be in touch. 

Loralie wrote:  "I share tea by giving it as gifts. Both daughters & both daughters-in-law receive tea and/or tea accessories for birthdays & Christmas."

From Lillian:  "I just found your blog, so that is one new tea adventure I'm having this year. Also, I'm working on the habit of having tea every afternoon when I get home from work, which will be another adventure in changing my busy life! I just found some new teas from Teavana, but I don't know much about tea at all, so I'm thankful to find your blog and I wish I'd win this contest! Happy 2013!" 

The nice folks at Ineeka Teas have provided me some samples and I'll be including a tin in the packages headed to Loralie and Lillian.  Two specialized tea bags come in each pretty little tin.   

Here's how you brew the specialized tea bag:

Congratulations Loralee and Lillian!


  1. Congratulations to the winners. Have not heard of this tea company, but sounds interesting.

  2. Congratulations! And what a great design on those sample tins!


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