Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Meet Buddy, My Tea Pet


Meet Buddy.  He's my tea pet.  He reigns over my tea tray when I'm brewing Gong Fu style.  From time to time, I will anoint him with hot tea, and he loves that.  Buddy is an Ox (my Chinese astrological sign).  He enjoys listening to the laughter of those sipping tea.  If we're sad, he'll quietly bear witness.  He's a faithful friend and doesn't mind what type of tea we drink (or don't drink).  His sweet, happy little face never fails to make me smile.

I found Buddy at New Century Teas in Seattle.  My blogging friend Brett inspired this post.  Check out his blog for a picture of several different types of tea pets.


  1. Lovely post! I think I need a tea pet! I love your collection of treasures for gong fu brewing. Beautiful.

  2. Teafan2:58 PM

    Oh, he's SO cute!

  3. What a fun tea pet! I enjoyed this post!

  4. I do believe I have met Buddy. Now you inspire me to name my turtle, tea pet.

  5. I must confess that I had merely glanced at the title and thought it said "Meet Buddy, My Tea POT." And I thought, "My goodness, Steph is naming her teapots now!" (Not that there's anything wrong with that ... !)

  6. What a great post! Waving hello to Buddy!

  7. Hi Steph,

    I love your tea pet! I have had a recent interest in yixing pets. They add a little sweetness to the tea ceremony.

    Thanks for sharing.



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