Friday, April 26, 2013

A List of Tea Times

A List of Tea Times
~Hsu Tzu Shu

In idle passing
When poetry fails to inspire
Thoughts confused
In time to a song
When the music is finished

A life in seclusion
Enjoying the scholarly life
Conversing late at night
Studying on a sunny day
In the bridal chamber

In honor of favoured guests
As host to scholars or pretty girls
Friends return from far away
In perfect weather
When skies are overcast
Watching boats sail by in the canal

Amidst trees and bamboo groves
When the flowers blossom and the birds sing
On hot days by the side of a lotus pond
Burning incense in the courtyard
After tipsy guests have retired
When the children are out
On visits to remote temples
Near a spring or scenic landscape

Excerpted from Scattered Leaves, A Book of Tea-inspired Poetry
Happy National Poetry Month!


  1. A beautiful poem. It aptly illustrates the depth and meaning of the tea experience. And I love your photos, Stephanie. The simplicity of the floral arrangement on the sky blue background is beautiful.

  2. This is a post to study! Lovely words, beautiful photography. Thank you!

  3. Love this poem and your photos are just perfection.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing both picture and poem. Quite lovely. I liked your comment on tarting up tea.

  5. Hi Steph,

    Your photos are simply beautiful and express the sentiments of the lovely poem.

    Thanks for sharing,


  6. Beautiful! (I thought you wrote this at first--and I'm sure you could!)


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