Sunday, April 21, 2013

Salt snd Straw Tea Ice Cream

Lotus Seed Matcha Ice Cream

The DH and I checked out Salt and Straw this week. It's a locally famous ice creamery. Salt and Straw has partnered with another local celeb, Steven Smith Teamaker, to produce some tea based ice creams.  

The Salt and Straw menu is very creative in general (pear and blue cheese anyone?). I had the matcha ice cream in the photo. It was yummy and with a very interesting texture. I couldn't say the matcha flavor was at the forefront. The sweetness softens that strong flavor. That's probably good for most ice cream lovers. Me, turning into a serious matcha drinker, would have liked that flavor a little more prominent. Nonetheless, I enjoyed and would recommend it. 

My favorite flavor wasn't ice cream at all. It was the Brew Dr Kombucha Sorbet. Oh wow it was good. The Kombucha flavor really shined!  This is what I'll enjoy next time.   Check it out!

Portland friends - have you tried these?  


  1. How interesting! I would love to go there and will have to look it up sometime. Everything sounds delicious. The kombucha sorbet --- most yummy sounding! We've been having some wonderful kombucha adventures here. DS is brewing and taking us on an interesting journey. Thanks for sharing, Stephanie!

  2. Teafan12:11 PM

    Kombucha sorbet - awesome!!

  3. The Kombucha sorbet is definitely a winner. I love this place being in my neighborhood. I can walk to it. Yummmmm!

  4. Mmmm, that sounds fabulous!


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