Monday, May 13, 2013

Taiwan: Scooter Culture

Scooters are everywhere in Taiwan!  They are the primary mode of transportation for many, many people. Makes me miss Stella, my former scooter.

Photos (click to enlarge):  pink power!, doing business off the back of a scooter, temple entrance in background, row of scooters in foreground


  1. Steph,
    I am having a great time riding along on the back of your scooter. I am sipping a cup of coconut Bao Zhong as I hitch a ride along on your vacation.
    Sips and Smiles,

  2. Love these photos! Your trip has been so fantastic so far... and how lucky we are to join in on the journey!

  3. Oh, I can picture you zipping along on Stella ----- Off on the Big Tea Adventure. I love the colorful sea of scooters and helmets (especially the pink)!
    Did you make a purchase from the back of a scooter?

    Enjoying the photo tour very much, dear Steph!

    Sending you a hug,
    Mary Jane

  4. Yes, I do remember the scooters everywhere and the sounds of them zipping by. These sights are ones we saw just two years ago. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Scooters! Well, who knew!

  6. Such a busy, colorful thought!

    Gracious Hospitality


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