Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Strawberry Scones and Bergamot Lemon Curd

Our garden has been generous with providing amazing luscious strawberries!  I also had frozen bergamot citrus juice and rind I'd been wanting to use.  Over the weekend I made strawberry scones and bergamot lemon curd.  This combination was stellar!   
Bergamot is the Mediterranean citrus that is used to scent Earl Grey tea.  The scent comes from the rind.  To make this curd, I used the food processor to disperse the rind in small pieces throughout the sugar before adding to the custard mixture.  It worked well.  The bergamot aroma is subtle but prevalent.  It invites you to take a bite, close your eyes and smile.  It also balances the sweetness of the strawberry scones very well.


  1. Ooooo this looks and sounds delicious! No recipe?

  2. Donna - I used a regular cream scones recipe and added strawberries. The dough was very wet, and so I did a round of dough on my baking stone, which I cut into wedges after they came out of the oven.

    I will post the recipe for the bergamot curd soon!

  3. This looks and sounds amazing. Now my mouth is drooling for strawberry scones and bergamot curd.

  4. Oh, doesn't that look and sound simply divine!

  5. Oh, yum, Stephanie. What could be better than scones made with fresh, home grown strawberries, served with homemade lemon curd. The bergamot citrus is a bonus!

  6. Now this sounds outstanding! Wish I had one with my cup of tea right now!


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