Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Brown Bobby

As a tea lover, you probably know of the Brown Betty teapot.  Have you ever heard of the Brown BobbyIt's a triangle-shaped donut that was popular in the mid 1920's.  The donut-making machine was advertised in Popular Mechanics as a means to start a cottage industry.  My neighbor has inherited one of the Brown Bobby machines from her mother and she enjoys sharing the donuts.  Lucky us!  We enjoy these tasty morsels from time to time. 

A note about the toleware tray above.  It's another treasure from a neighbor.  I recently picked it up at our community's annual yard sale.  The gorgeous teacup and saucer was sent by a friend who picked it up at an auction.  It has become one of my favorites.


  1. A Brown Bobby? Well my goodness, I had to go check that out! If I knew how to make donuts (and I don't, thank goodness) I'd have a Brown Bobby with tea from my Brown Betty. (And maybe listen to a little James Brown, just to keep things interesting!)

  2. I have not heard of a Brown Bobby, but what a treat from your neighbor. The tole table and the teacup are treasures. How fun to be adding to your tea accessories.

  3. Teafan9:49 AM

    You could be a food stylist - totally!

  4. Beautiful donuts and teaware! Thanks for sharing, Steph.

  5. Colleen4:27 PM

    Never heard of Brown Bobby! What fun- and I love the use for a 'cottage industry'. Cup and saucer and tray caught my eye immediately- beautiful treasures. Lucky you all around!

  6. Brown Bobby! New to me! Wonder if it is a regional thing? Looks delicious - I love anything with icing! Pretty cup and tray, too!

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  8. I love the tea cup!! Just Beautiful!!

  9. I am looking to purchase a brown bobby machine. My dad had one from his dad, and he lost it in a divorce with his 2nd wife. It was supposed to be mine. I cant contact her-she disappeared from the area when she remarried. If you come across one for sale, please let me know! I really want one again!


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