Thursday, July 11, 2013

Tea Celebrations, Alexandra Stoddard

"Let the world boil down to just this cup, this moment, and let the warmth slowly spread
from your fingers throughout your whole body to your soul."
~ Alexandra Stoddard, Tea Celebrations

I've recently re-read Alexandra Stoddard's Tea Celebrations book.  It's a favorite.  She writes with a passion and self-knowing that I admire.  The book shares beautiful stories about how tea has helped Alexandra find a place of centerdness in her life, and it gently encourages us in this direction.  Comforting, soothing, inspiring and beautiful.  I've made notes in this book for my niece.  Someday, it will be hers.

I discovered Alexandra nearly 13 years ago when I picked up her book, Living a Beautiful Life, at a B&B.  Her philosophy is to make every moment beautiful, even the mundane tasks of life can be made enjoyable with a cup of tea, a flower, a nice pen or beautiful music.  It's a lesson I took to heart.

Do you know Alexandra's work?  Has her work inspired you?  What other authors inspire you to live a life full of beauty and/or centerdness? 


  1. Shanna11:34 AM

    I have most of her books and love that approach to life. It is a good reminder.

  2. Alexandra Stoddard is one of my favorites too!! I have read "Tea Celebrations" a couple of times. Since you brought it to my attention, I will read it again. Think I will keep it in the car for when I have to wait somewhere.

    Another favorite of mine is Alda Ellis and her book "Sentimental Living." She also knows how to live the beautiful life.

  3. I haven't read her Tea Celebrations in a very long time. Just pulled it off the shelf and will re-read it. I use her egg salad recipe to inspire me when I make egg salad sandwiches. Love the quote and your photograph is pretty special too.

  4. Teafan10:33 AM

    Lovely image and I'll add this book to my list right now!

  5. I do know Alexandra Stoddard's writings, Steph, and they have been so inspirational to me in my own tea journey. I also find Pema Chodron's teachings and writings to be full of wisdom and inspiration to live an authentic life, full of beauty and balance. Beautiful photo!

  6. Funny, just this year I read "Living a Beautiful Life" when it was loaned to me by a friend. I like Alexandra's philosophy of making the everyday special. Emilie Barnes' books have always fed my soul in a similar way!


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