Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Working Girl and the Privileged

I'm enjoying these two new thimble-sized teacups I picked up at the Chinese Garden. I'm calling them the Working Girl and the Privileged. They are both me.

I'm a conscientious and hardworking employee. I give a lot to my employer.  I manage through the turmoil and stresses - along with the benefits  - of corporate life.

I'm also privileged, simply by being born an American into a middle class family. I have an advanced education which affords me some job flexibility and security. I have a safe home. I have a loving  husband, family and friends.

I take none of this for granted. I often think of how lucky I am to simply have been granted life into my family, this century, my geography. And I wonder how I can be of service in this world to so many who don't have the same.


  1. Teafan2:30 PM

    So true! We forget how good we have it.

  2. I have been reflecting on similar things, Steph. The phrase, "I want my life to be bigger than suburbia" is haunting me. I want to be of service to bring some of the warmth and comfort and hope that I am afforded to women and children who have less. xoxo

  3. Your words fit so well with the two cups. Yes, it is so true that we are privileged and still manage to work through the turmoils and stresses of everyday life.

  4. And you are no doubt blessed *because* you have an attitude of gratitude! Yay!

  5. This is gorgeous!


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