Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Huckleberry Scones

I'm about a month late in writing about this...
Back in mid September, the huckleberries were ripe in the Pacific Northwest.  I was not familiar with huckleberries - are you?  They grow well here and are important to Native American cultures.  Apparently they grow in the Northeast, as well.  They're similar to small blueberries, only firmer and with their own tart-sweet flavor.

The DH (dear hubby) made whole wheat huckleberry scones.  Mmmmm!

I also made a huckleberry syrup, which is great on pancakes.  Below,  I'm using the syrup over a grilled nectarine.

Do you enjoy huckleberries?  How do you use them?


  1. They are not easily accessible even here, but we did have some about the same time. Jim put them in pancakes.

  2. I have had huckleberry items at restaurants but never seen them for sale. How fun!

  3. I don't think I've ever eaten a huckleberry, and I don't recall ever seeing them for sale at produce markets or in the produce section of our grocery stores. Your hubby's huckleberry scones look yummy!

  4. Teafan12:59 PM

    Love that huckleberry sauce, its deep red color, in the heart-shaped ramekin!

  5. Mary Jane9:11 AM

    That looks like Huckleberry LOVE!
    Give me a spoon, Steph.

    Mary Jane

  6. Never had a huckleberry, but I would love to try one (or more)!


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