Wednesday, October 09, 2013

NW Tea Fest 2013 Summary

NW Tea Fest 2013
Click image to enlarge

The NW Tea Fest has become an annual highlight of my tea life.  This year's event was wonderful.  And by event, I mean not only the actual Tea Fest, but also the surrounding visits with Seattle tea professionals and the in-person meeting of blog friends from far away.  It's a weekend of sipping and sharing and wonderfulness!  

Visit some of my friends in the tea biz (listed alphabetically by first name):

Asia Pacific Cultural Center:  Korean Tea Ceremony
Darlene: Tea Lover's Archives, I loved meeting this blog friend in person!
Jeffrey: McIntosh Teas (unfortunately, the late night tea drinking photos didn't turn out)
Roberta: Experience Tea (not shown in photos; Roberta helped bring in the Korean Tea Ceremony)


  1. Thanks, Stephanie, for all the links. It is fun to see your photos.

  2. Teafan2:15 PM

    Wow - SO cool!!


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