Thursday, November 07, 2013

I Know How Much Work It Is...

Homemade macarons

I know how much work it is to host an afternoon tea gathering.  The planning, the shopping, the cleaning, the decorating, the cooking, the cleaning again, the presentation.  (This doesn't even touch on making homemade macarons!!)  It's a labor of love, but it's also an endurance sport.  That's why when I'm invited to a tea party, I am so appreciative!  And when that tea party is hosted by a dear friend when I visit from far away, and she brings together friends I have not seen in a long time, my heart swells with gratitude.  I was honored with this very thing on a recent visit to the Midwest.

Each place setting was unique

I was so busy catching up (and enjoying the food) that I neglected to take photos of all the courses.  However, everything was scrumptious and beautifully presented.  There's just something about an afternoon tea, isn't there?  The beauty invites me to slow down and savor.  The tea encourages me to listen and to share deeply.  And I believe the love put into preparing the event and each morsel is amplified and returned to the hostess.

Artistry in the sweets


  1. It truly is a work of love, isn't it? I'm glad I'm not the only one who forgets to take photos...I do it all the time! Lol! So nice you had a wonderful time!

  2. What wonderful friends you have! That platter full of sweets looks so elegant and simply delicious!

  3. A tea hosted in your honor is definitely a gift of love, and it's obvious the hostess values your friendship. She knows afternoon tea brings you great joy. Tea friends are the best!

  4. I too know how special that is when a friend invites you to tea. Sometimes its so nice to turn the reins over to someone else.
    Gosh, that looks fabulous!

  5. What a lovely treat to have enjoyed catching up with friends over such a gorgeous teatime!

  6. How loving and thoughtful, especially making the macarons. They truly are a labor of love. I am so happy you were just able to sit and enjoy the day with good friends.


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