Thursday, January 02, 2014

First Tea of 2014 in a Special Secret Place

The DH (dear hubby) and I went for a walk yesterday, to see what's stirring  in the garden and in nature.  We stopped by this rock to have tea (herbal) from a thermos.  It's a special secret place, at least to me.  It's visible to anyone that happens by, but it takes a bit of time to truly see it.

Do you have these special secret places in your life?  I have many of them!  A particular corner in the library, a bench downtown tucked away under a tree.  These places invite us to stop rushing and to look around us.

We also spied daffodils poking their green fronds from the earth.  My Midwestern sense of time is amazed by this, so early!  The DH says it could be that he planted these daffodils too shallow.  Regardless, I'm impressed that they're here to celebrate the new year with us. 


  1. What a sweet little spot! Happy New Year! xoxo

  2. What a sweet little spot! Happy New Year!

  3. What a wonderful secret space! It is snowing heavily here today and your beautiful photos hint at a promise of spring.

  4. P.S. Thanks for eliminating the need to decipher the mystery words! It makes commenting much easier!

  5. How special to have a secret place. I love seeing it. And the daffodils, oh my they do delight to see. Wow! It is a bit early that is for sure, but now I will be watching.

  6. What a special secret place! Thanks for sharing with us. Happy New Year!

  7. I'm so taken with the photo of the daffodils poking their heads above ground in celebration of New Years! The ground has several inches of snow here in Michigan, and spring is the farthest thing from Mother Nature's mind in these parts! How special that you thought to photograph your first cup of tea with your dear hubby in 2014. I wish you many blessings in this new year!
    ~ Phyllis

  8. I don't have a secret place for taking tea but after reading this post, I do believe I'm inspired to find one (or more)!

  9. Anonymous4:55 AM

    In the second photo the peeling bark on the tree is similar to the gumbo limbo.The hammock{tropical forest}can be place for meditation,having tea or spending the night.


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