Monday, February 24, 2014


I am thinking of my friend who thought of me when she spied this lovely cup and saucer at an estate sale, and procured it for me.   It's become a favorite.  I learned it's satsuma porcelain.  It's a diminuitive, delicate cup. (I'm drawn to the small ones, it seems).  It doesn't seem small in this photo because of its normal proportion to the teapot.  The thing is this:  That teapot is a little one, too!

This friend recently  had a birthday, and so I celebrate her from a distance!  She's a very benevolent spirit. 

Here's an excerpt from a Baisao poem.  It's  nice to contemplate...

"Sake fuels the vital spirits, works like courage,
Tea works benevolently, purifying the soul.

Courageous feats that put the world in your debt

Couldn’t match the benefit benevolence brings."


  1. Lovely poem and lovely teacup! I have a Satsuma...they are beautifully made, and yours is beautiful!

  2. I love your elegant new teacup and think it is perfect for you!

  3. A very thoughtful friend.
    Lovely, lovely cup and saucer.
    Very nice quote.


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