Monday, March 03, 2014

Bouchon (Vegas)

One more reason to convince you that there is more to Vegas than gambling... Bouchon.  A friend who travels frequently to Vegas for work emphasized that I must visit this French-style bistro. I'm glad I heeded her advice!  I sat here leisurely on a Wednesday morning for an hour and a half, enjoying the food, the view and the people around me.  The tea was in a bag, but the hot water came in a pretty pot and I enjoyed the simple white and blue china pattern.  (Tip:  Ask for an extra plate on which to put your teabag.)  

The food was excellent! I had a three cheese plate, served with toasted raisin bread and a fruit compote. (Look for it on the dessert menu.)  I also had a side of brioche and jam.   I didn't really need the brioche, but it was a treat.

In the summer, there is patio seating in the rose garden.  On this day, I was happy with my indoor seat and a view of the sunshine.

Bouchon is definitely worth a stop!  My friend (and now I) recommend breakfast.  The prices are reasonable and the restaurant is less busy at this time so you can sit and take it all in.


  1. I once sat near that window at Bouchon with a group of tea friends and enjoyed dinner. Your morning treats would have been a special respite. Loved Bouchon! In fact Martha was one of the friends sitting there with me, it was our first time meeting.

  2. You're finding all the hidden treasures in Vegas! Thanks for sharing!

  3. marthae1:35 PM

    I remember well that dinner... meeting tea friends for the first time in person...and the food was amazing, too.
    Your cheese tray looks very generous and I, too, would not be able to resist the brioche!

  4. OK, now this marks precisely the *second* time I've ever been interested in going to Vegas! ;)


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