Sunday, May 11, 2014

Meatless Monday: Salad Bar and Rhubarb Upside Down Cake

My version of a salad bar

I invited some friends over for lunch recently and we had a "salad bar."  It was fun, colorful and delicious.  I provided the green salad and toppings and my friends brought other side dishes.  The greens (red leaf lettuce; collard greens; brocolli leaves, a special kind for the greenery and sprouts; parsley), chives and radishes all came from the DH's garden.

Chive blossoms

We finished up with rhubarb upside down cake, also courtesy of the DH.  Oh, yummy!  By the way, everything shown here is vegan.

Rhubarb upside down cake


  1. I want to come to your house for lunch!

  2. Dear Steph,
    mmmh, that all look soo delicious!
    I wished I could taste the cake ...
    Sunny greetings,

  3. The salad bar from your garden looks and sounds just delicious! The cake also looks wonderful, good job to your DH.

  4. I can definitely, unequivocally confirm that everything was, indeed, delicious!

    Thanks for a lovely, lovely time, Steph. :)

  5. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Your cake reminds me of the rhubarb- gooseberry cobbler that my Mother made. I would go to the bush and fill a colander with gooseberries. Strawberries were added if they were ripe. Your post brought back memories from that time. Thanks

  6. Wow -- I'm quite impressed with the DH's gardening and cooking skills! Fun idea for a lunch, too.


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