Thursday, August 28, 2014

Summer Flash

Summer is starting to give way to fall here and it's promising very nice weather this long weekend!  Sunshine and mid-to-upper 70's. I think of this as summer going out with a flash of glory as fall nudges it along.  I'm drinking a Japanese green tea in these photos, feeling a sense of urgency to drink up my "summer teas".  Of course I can (and do) drink this in the winter, and yet it's more what I crave when the sun shines long. 

While my tea is green and fresh, the colors of these photos suggest a fall scene. These transitional periods are very interesting times.  I find them full of energy and opportunity.

What teas are your drinking as we make our way from one season to the next?


  1. Beautiful photos, Steph!
    Right now it is finishing up my Turzum Darjeeling from Spring and tasting some white teas, saving some heartier ones when Autumn really hits.

  2. Teafan9:59 AM

    I'm drinking my "summer teas" too. And lots of herbals. Great photos!


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