Thursday, September 04, 2014

Bat Brew

I was brewing some tea with friends in a park last evening, in a quiet clearing circled by tall pine trees.  It was dusk and the light was fading. (The mosquitoes were making themselves known.)  My fellow tea fanatics and I heard this rustling noise above us and spotted bats flying overhead.  Soon, we could hear their clicking sounds (they were using "echo location") and an occasional squeak. It was so cool!  After about 5-10 minutes of this other-worldly show, they disappeared.  As my DH recently said, "Nature participates."  Yes, and in very cool ways!

The photo above is of the brewing session.  We're drinking a tea from Global Tea Hut.  It's a "Kingfisher Jade" - Tsiu Yu - hybrid that was developed in Taiwan, one of the "Three Daughters of Taiwan." I liked it very much. It's a lighter oolong, on the greener side but not without some depth.


  1. How exciting to share tea time with bats, though they do scare me a little when they fly above my head. I would love to know more about Global Tea Hut and their teas. Must chat one of these days.

  2. Teafan2:10 PM

    Wow - Very cool and lucky you.

  3. I would have loved to experience friendly bats, they are one of my favorite auspicious symbols (it is why I am so happy with my bat Gonfu set) and they are one of my favorite animals.

    I have had many happy memories involving interactions with bats :)

  4. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Tea + sounds of nature(particularly creatures so often viewed negativelt) = well-being


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