Monday, September 15, 2014

Meatless Monday: A Late Summer Picnic

All packed up and ready to go!

The weather has been so nice lately, and with our abundance of garden tomatoes...a picnic was in order!

Our neighborhood has several lovely places to sit and snack. I liked this one for the view of the roses and the large grass lawn. The angled sunlight of this time of year is beautiful and golden.

Garden tomato and basil with fresh mozzarella on baguette, one of my favorites

Lemonade with huckleberries

How are you making the most of these late summer/early autumn hours?


  1. I have been mostly missing out on the beautiful days lately, because I have been in night owl mode...however I have been loving the cool nights, they have been inspiring.

  2. I definitely think of you as the Queen of the Tea Picnic! Just now turning a little fall-ish here, but I am indeed anticipating the cooler temps ahead!

  3. Your picnic looks so special. Love the fresh tomatoes right now. Your lemonade with huckleberries looks wonderful. Mainly we have been eating in the yard and I just enjoy having the doors and windows open to the amazing air.

  4. What a fun picnic! Perfect way to enjoy the end of summer!


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