Monday, September 29, 2014

Meatless Monday: Purple Potatoes and Quinoa Oatmeal

Purple Potatoes

The DH grew these potatoes.  We didn't know they were purple until he pulled them out of the ground.  They were a volunteer plant that he rescued.  What a great surprise!  They remain purple when cooked, the color a little softer.  And I just LOVE this photo from a style perspective, the color and detail of the potato, his hand, the fabric texture.  Love it.

Oatmeal with quinoa and huckleberries

And here is a recent breakfast - oatmeal blended with quinoa and topped with huckleberries.


  1. I love the photo too -- and purple potatoes? Well, yes, I'd be willing to give those a try. Love that this was a volunteer plant!

  2. Teafan6:56 AM

    Yes, great photo and those potatoes are awesome!

  3. Beautiful photos, delicious and healthy breakfast!


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