Monday, October 20, 2014

Camellia Sinensis with Effusive Blossoms

As you know, "tea" comes from the camellia sinensis plant.  And here's what that plant looks like, in case you have not had the pleasure to see one.  This plant came to me as a gift from Marmalady about three years ago and, thanks to the green thumb of the DH, has been thriving.  This year it bloomed effusively.

"Cami", as I call her, has been living for the past year on our north balcony.  The plant seems to be thriving within a large pot (I think this is pot #3), well-drained soil and the level of light in that space. It's not a full day of sun.  We had Cami on the south balcony for a bit and it was too much direct sun. The DH also provides an occasional fertilization and has done some shaping of the plant, as well. 

If you have a tea plant that is doing well, what tips can you share for its healthy growth?


  1. How fun to see "Cami" here and doing oh so well. I love your photos of her, especially that last one.

  2. Oh, it's such fun to see your plant in full bloom! My little baby is growing slowly... but I started with 3 plants and am down to 1. Sadly, I scorched one when I put it outside after a long winter - too much sun too fast. This summer, I kept it in the house, and it seems happier. No growing tips to offer... just happy it's growing!

  3. Oh, it's such fun to see your plant in full bloom! My little baby is growing slowly... but I started with 3 plants and am down to 1. Sadly, I scorched one when I put it outside after a long winter - too much sun too fast. This summer, I kept it in the house, and it seems happier. No growing tips to offer... just happy it's growing!

  4. What fun! I'd love to have a Cami of my own ... I'll have to do some research!

  5. Wow! Your plant looks great. My plants are still babies, only a few months old. Here's hoping that they flower like that one day.

  6. Your lovely plant looks amazing! I have a brown thumb (I am really good at growing mushrooms where plants should be :P ) but want to get a tea plant for my mom and grandmother, both are gardening masters.


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