Saturday, January 10, 2015

Cranes: Long Life, Good Fortune and Peace

The crane symbolizes long life and good fortune in many Asian cultures.  My friend from Hawaii explains the crane motif is often seen at weddings, as cranes are known for monogamous matings and share the responsibilities of raising offspring.

Have you heard the touching story of Sadako Sasaki?  She was three when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, where she lived. When she was 12 she developed leukemia (attributed to the radiation exposure from the bomb).  She took on the challenge of folding origami cranes, in the hopes of folding 1,000.  Stories differ regarding whether she met this goal before her death, but what is certain is that her story has become a mission of awareness and peace.

My lovely friend saw these beautiful crane "tennis plate" sets at an estate sale and gifted them to me. I love them!  From the soft blue to the hand painted birds to the gold rim, they are exquisite.

Wishing you long life, good fortune and peace!


  1. Beautiful gift! The crane folding continues in her memory. Seems like there is always some one each year asking for help folding 1000 cranes!

  2. Teafan11:12 AM

    Exquisite is the right word! That is very lovely china.

  3. Lovely! Thanks for sharing the story.

  4. Those tennis sets (or tea and toast sets) are fabulous! And the story that accompanies them is so touching. Thanks for sharing this!

  5. Yes, I remember learning about Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes when I was a kid. I think that its original book cover is the same shade of blue as your pretty tennis set!

  6. That is the most amazing tennis set I have ever seen. Very, very striking.

  7. What a gorgeous, thoughtful gift. I love the story of the cranes.

  8. Long life, good fortune, and peace to you and yours, also!

  9. Your tea set is gorgeous and don't those scones look yummy. ☺

  10. I absolutely love your set. Cranes are such a wonderful symbol. I had not heard the sad and how uplifting. Back from break with a feeling-better-Honey!
    Thanks for linking to Tuesday Cuppa Tea!


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