Monday, February 16, 2015


Camellia, white plum, grape hyacinth, snowdrop

Oh, Spring - your beauty takes my breath away.  So do the allergies that you shepherd. Maybe someday my body will learn that these foreign particles floating in the air are harmless.  Nonetheless, I am a faithful lover and will continue to adore you with fervor.  I will go for long walks in the pollen-heavy breeze just to be in your presence.

Photo by the DH, dear hubby.  If I were getting married today, this is the bouquet I would chose. Picked with my sweetheart on an early spring walk.


  1. Had our first real snow of the season today. Hope to get some photos of it's beauty tomorrow, but I'm longing for spring. Happy to see it's on it's way! :)

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    What a simple, elegant and perfect spring arrangement. We don't get camellias where I live.

  3. The early spring flowers are indeed breathe taking. They just make me smile.

  4. CO Tea Lover7:54 PM

    Beautiful! I recognize your tunic, what a nice backdrop for the flower.

  5. I love seeing these harbingers of spring! (So glad my allergies, if I *must* have them, hit in the fall, not spring.)

  6. There is such a simple beauty to your spring bouquet. How lovely!


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