Friday, February 27, 2015

Walking to a French Bakery

An early blooming cherry tree

This morning I met a friend (also my colleague) for breakfast.  We make space for this about once a quarter. The rendezvous is absolutely, positively a necessary work task!  Sanity-keeping. Stress-easing. Women-connecting.  Away from the office, we soothe our troubles with the balm of coffee, tea and French pastries.

I take the train into the city and walk awhile to arrive at our destination.  The walk is always lovely, but particularly so in Spring.

I love the light reflecting in the window

Courtyards like this are a delight to find nestled into the neighborhood

Once I walk in the front door of St. HonorĂ© Boulangerie, I'm greeted with many temptations.  

Here I understand the phrase, "a feast for the eyes" - and the mouth and belly! The wreath-shaped couronne (crown) bread came home with me.  It's like a baguette, only shaped into a round that lends itself to breaking apart as rolls.  It's got that perfectly crisp, chewy outer texture and soft inside.

I'm so grateful for these getaways! They give my body a chance to move, my mind a chance to appreciate beauty and my  heart the time to commune with a friend.   Do you have a necessary escape plan?  Tell me about it!


  1. Thanks for visiting me, Steph. Your French Bakers looks wonderful! I have a weakness for baked goodies, especially anything with chocolate.

    I'm slowly working my way through your archives and am halfway through 2012!

  2. Pretty flowers! I love the pics of the breads, so very french. Makes me want to make a trip up to Montreal actually - hoping the weather warms up enough to do that.

  3. Thank you Margie and Sarah for visiting!

  4. I am so happy you found my blog as now I have found yours. Yes, we definitely do have a lot in common! My local get away is also a French bakery where I enjoy the incredible pastries along with a coconut white tea served in a press. The bakery does not have wifi (on purpose) and patrons really talk with one another as the seating area is rather small. Thank you for sharing your bakery. The scenery during your walk there was beautiful.

  5. Dear Nora, so glad to meet you and I look forward to sharing with and learning from you!

  6. It's too early in the morning to be looking at these fantastic bakery photos! Wishing I could hop on that train and take a walk to this fabulous destination!

  7. I love your escape. How I would love living by that courtyard and bakery. My escape, which I just did today, was a visit to a local antique mall just to browse and sometimes take pictures.


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