Monday, March 23, 2015

Mitsuwa: Japanese Marketplace (San Jose, CA)

I recently spent a sunny day n San Jose, CA (looking out the window of a conference room). As I was heading to the airport, I welcomed the gift of a bit of spare time.  I stopped at the Mitsuwa Japanese Marketplace and wanted to share with you some of the visuals and experience.  It feels like visiting Japan for an hour.

When I walked in, I was delighted to see that tea had such a prominent presence!  Ito En's Matcha Love shop was the first shop to the left, and just next to it was Lupicia.

The main reason for this detour was to visit the Japanese sweets shop.  Japanese confections are presented in such a lovely way! Below, rows of mochi (a stretchy rice dough).  These are filled with bean paste and whipped cream.

Ito En's shop had a small but attractive assortment of tea wares.  I looked long at hard at some of the side-handled pots (sitting on the green box).  I resisted, but they had some very nice ones.

I brought home Celebration sencha tea, an organic variety.  Spring is here and my desire for green teas is growing!

And I also had to try the sakura mochi (below).  These are a special seasonal sweet.  The sticky rice is filled with bean paste and wrapped in a cherry leaf. On top is a preserved cherry blossom.  I'm enjoying with a cup of tea from Ito En.

When in San Jose, Mitsuwa would make a fun and delicious adventure.


  1. One reason I enjoy visiting your blog is that I know I will very often see something I've seen nowhere else-- and how very like you to find a "tea moment" on a business trip! Loved seeing all those lovely Japanese sweets. Sort of like Japanese macarons, at least in color and variety!

  2. I would so very much love visiting here. Definitely the sweets would attract my eye. The one you brought home is beautiful. What a lovely beginning to Spring.

  3. My mouth is watering at all those mochi! I have been known to over indulge on them :P

  4. Oh, I had no idea you were in my home town! I would have loved to meet you for tea at my favorite tea shop, Satori Tea Bar, or at the Japanese Friendship Garden. There is a tea house there, but it's not open to the public, unfortunately.


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