Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Camellia Tea House in Kigali, Rwanda

Rwanda had many riches to reveal to me. The beauty of the landscape, the smiles of the people, the delicious fruits, the colorful fabrics, the easy weather, the benefits of a modern city (Kigali), the pleasures of the country, the hope and investment in the future.  Kigali even has its own tea house! 

I was able to visit the Camellia Tea House on my last day in the country, for a leisurely lunch with my colleague. Camellia Tea House is a cafe that serves food and the teas below. 

I enjoyed the black tea (Rwandan). You can see here how it's presented. The insulated carafe keeps tea piping hot. Tea was always served with the optional sugar on the side (and always unbleached sugar).

My colleague and I, enjoying the outdoor patio. It was a nice way to relax and reflect upon our experiences.

Delicious fruit plate includes passion fruit, guava, tree tomato (front, left), mango, watermelon, papaya, grapes, apple pineapple and orange. I am definitely missing all these locally-grown fresh fruits!

I want to go back to Rwanda and explore even more of its tea culture!


  1. Oh Steph, I would be in fruit heaven. That plate looks so delicious!
    I am curious too, how was the Rwandan tea?

  2. Fresh fruit and tea. Great combo!

  3. Yum! What did the tree tomato taste like? That fruit is new to me.

  4. That fresh fruit plate is so exotic and beautiful! The tea room looks great!

  5. Colleen12:23 PM

    I just discovered your Rwanda trip posts- how wonderful and exciting a journey!! The pictures and posts are great. Such a special opportunity to do really good work and see another world (THAT INCLUDES TEA EVEN!). Thank you for sharing this journey with us.


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