Sunday, June 21, 2015

Sunrise Solstice Tea in the Garden

Today is the summer solstice, the "longest day of the year," thanks to the Western Hemisphere's deepest tilt toward the sun. The sun rises and sets at its northernmost point along the horizon. It's funny, really, as the solstice is considered the start of summer and yet it's also the tipping point towards winter. From here, we lose a bit of light each day even as the temperatures continue to rise. That's because the land and oceans are still warming.

Humans are deeply connected to the shifting seasons and the moon phases, even though most of us don't acknowledge these subtle patterns in our life. It's something I aspire to observe.  I rose extra early to enjoy a solstice sunrise tea. I confess - it wasn't easy dragging myself out of bed - but I'm so glad I did! I took my chabako kit (a box with all the necessary implements for making matcha in the traditional style) to one of our garden plots. It was cool and quiet. The robins were beginning to hop around and the bees were still asleep inside of the hollyhocks.

I tried to follow the forms and practices of this tea procedure as best I could. I was both host and guest, which is unusual in a Japanese Tea Ceremony and required some adjustments. When I said, "otemae chodai itashimasu," thank you for making this bowl of tea, I was thanking all the people involved and the earth's generosity in bringing me this bowl of tea. It's an interesting contemplative experience if you dive into the thought of being both host and guest. 

I enjoyed being alone and spent some time journaling. Both tea and writing nourish me.

About an hour into the morning, the sun broke through the clouds, and everything began to sparkle.  

By the time I departed, about two hours after I began, the bees were humming and the sounds of human activity were floating in my direction. It was a time to go. A wonderful morning.


  1. Beautiful way to celebrate the Solstice....

  2. Happy Summer Solstice Day, Steph! Thanks for sharing the beautiful images that you captured at sunrise.

  3. Teafan8:53 PM

    It sounds very soothing. And love both of those lavender photos!

  4. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful experience!

  5. Tea, journaling, sunrise, flowers … yes, I agree that this all equals joy! You could almost have done this post without including any words, although I'm certainly glad you did! :)

  6. Everyone like to Drink Tea, Ok
    But some of them like to drink tea with good Sunrise, Nature, and Sound….

  7. This sounds just amazingly wonderful. I must remember this next year. To have tea alone and journal in the early morning hours, a welcome to summer solstice is worth the early morning rise from sleep.

  8. Makes me wish I had a garden to do this "teaing on a rug" thing. Oh, and a useful hobo stove.


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