Monday, June 01, 2015

Weigh Station for Tea Picking in Rwanda

Tea picker is sorting tea

Getting tea from the field to the factory is a matter of skill and speed. When tea is picked by hand, it's most often the hand of a woman. When she has picked her quantity for the day, she proceeds to the weigh station.  The tea is weighed and noted in the ledger for payment, then hastily transferred to the factory for processing to begin. It's a special privilege to happen upon a weigh station. If you're not there at just the right time, you'll miss it!  I've been lucky to witness this twice, once in Darjeeling and just recently in Rwanda.

Enjoy these photos!

People were as interested in us as we were in them

Friendly smiles

Just look at the backdrop to this scene, so green and lush

This little girl totally photo bombed me!  She did this several times, I loved it!

The tea waits in bags for transport to the factory

Me with the Tea!


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Love, love, love these pictures!! All the different bright colors are so beautiful! The picture of you is great, you look very happy.

  2. Fabulous! Am so glad you are sharing these photos...makes it seem so close!

  3. These pictures are wonderful! I just did my usual catch up on your blog posts. I loved reading more about your trip. And I really love that you got to include tea. :)

  4. Love these photos (what gorgeous colors, fabrics, faces, plants), and I especially love that the little girl wanted to be in the photo! I think you have what I've heard referred to as a "yes face," meaning you look open and inviting so the little girl wasn't afraid to approach you. Awesome!

  5. What lovely, lovely faces. Oh tea is such a cross cultural connection. Wondering if you were able to talk to them about the tea and that they realized they were connecting with a lover of tea. Such a beautiful photo of you.

  6. Beautiful photos of the tea process-something we take for granted with our morning cups of tea.

  7. Thank you for the pics. I've shared the posting over on Facebook and Twitter. :-)

  8. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Remembering our time in India and so happy that you were able to experience the tea weigh station as it is such a unique and special part of the tea journey. Your photos tell the story so well and I can understand how special it was to happen upon the pickers coming in from the fields. So happy for you, dear Stephanie.


    Mary Jane

  9. What an amazing experience!


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