Saturday, July 18, 2015

Vintage Linen Inspiration

A friend recently sent me this gift of vintage linens.  Pure delight! They inspire me to make everyday things beautiful. I want to know more of the woman behind these articles. Who is/was she that so artfully and skillfully embroidered this cloth? 

Did she enjoy tea? How old is/was she? What's her name and where did she live? 

These linens bring to mind my own grandmother's hands. I am fortunate to have some pieces made by her, including an embroidered bed quilt. I remember learning to embroider with Grandma as my guide. I am a little nostalgic and sad that I didn't keep up that skill. 

Look at the great detail and lovely color selection of this flower basket. Who taught this woman her handicraft? Did she teach others? 

Did she work alone or with sisters or friends? I may never know the answers, but I take a moment to send my gratitude and respect to the woman whose mind, heart and hands so carefully worked these into beauty.


  1. I love embroidered linens ... old and new! You should start again! Lovely gift.

  2. What lovely linen pieces!

  3. You do know that I have a weakness for old linens and these are just precious. What a thoughtful friend to send beautiful linens and to remember sitting with your grandmother to embroider.

  4. So pretty! And it's always extra special to find vintage linen with a tea theme.

  5. I love to imagine the secret lives of old linens. When I'm making things, I ponder lots of things in my life. When I see old handmade or hand-embroidered linens, I wonder what was going through *those* women's minds when they made them. (I've actually been thinking of writing a short story on that line, but it hasn't quite come together yet!)

  6. The first "sewing" skill I learned was embroidery. I love all of its details and how it is a relaxing art form. Your vintage pieces are really nice and the embroidered flowers have such intricate stitches.


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