Friday, September 18, 2015

Change of Seasons and Upcoming Events

Changing of Seasons
Have you noticed the changing light as we tilt toward Fall?  The afternoon sun comes in at a slant for us, and it's beautiful. I love noticing the light and where it shows itself in our house throughout the year.  Right now, it's lighting up the hanging scroll in my 2-mat tatami room.  This is a new space and I'm so happy with it!  I can practice my tea skills and keep my knees and ankles fit for sitting on the floor.  The scroll above shows the characters for Wa, Kei: Harmony and Respect. It's the first half of Wa-Kei-Sei-Jaku, the four principles of tea (Chanoyu, Japanese Tea Ceremony).

Upcoming Events
I am very happy to share that I'll be participating in the following two events!

Bowl-Style Brewing Class at Jasmine Pearl Tea Merchants
This Sunday, Sept 20th at noon, Portland, OR.  Registration. We'll practice one of the oldest, simplest and most profound styles of brewing. Nothing but tea leaf, a bowl and hot water.  And of course, you.

Northwest Tea Festival
Saturday and Sunday, October 3rd and 4th, Seattle, WA.  Information. Along with my Sensei, Marjorie Yap, I'm teaching a class on How to Be a Guest at a Japanese Tea Ceremony.  Also  happy to be participating in the Wu-Wo Tea Brewing. This is a GREAT event, full of classes, tea tastings, tea things for sale and wonderful people.  It's one of the highlights of my year.

Happy Autumn!


  1. Teafan9:08 PM

    Wish I were closer for your classes. They both sound great! Break a leg!

  2. Hope your class was very special today. I just know those that attended it loved it.

  3. I really wish I was able to attend the Northwest Tea Festival. (I'm in a work training that weekend.) I've always been intrigued with the Japanese Tea Ceremony and I would have definitely attended your class. The entire tea festival sounds amazing.
    Enjoy the festival!

  4. Gee, I hate to say 'wish I lived closer', but oh my - I would enjoy both of these presentations!

  5. And a Happy Autumn to you, too! Yes, I do notice and absolutely adore the different look of the light in fall. I find myself staring into the backyard, noting the patches of sunlight filtered through the trees, and of course on a bright, clear day, there's nothing to beat the sunshine of fall. Love this season!


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