Saturday, October 17, 2015

Tea Flowers

My tea plant (Cami, get it?  Short for camellia sinensis) has been covered in tea flowers!  I took these photos several days ago; they're now starting to fade. I think tea flowers are beautiful and I like to bring them inside (see bottom photo).  Tea flowers are discouraged in commercial production because when the plant is producing flowers its energy is towards making fruit and seeds rather than producing more leaf. (Most tea plants are propagated by slips (cuttings) rather than seeds). On my balcony, I love to let my tea plant go crazy with blossoms.  Enjoy the photos.


  1. Wow! Your plant is prolific! We have blooms, but not as many. Just curious? Do they pluck the blossoms on the farms?

  2. Marilyn - This is something I learned at the NW Tea Fest. I can't recall which speaker...if I do, I will let you know!

    Check this out:

  3. Cami is beautiful!

  4. Beautiful! I would love to try and grow a tree, but don't have enough indoor light to keep a plant alive during cold Indiana winters.

    Have you plucked some flowers for brewing?

  5. How wonderful to have a thriving tea plant. It's beautiful!

  6. What an abundance of blossoms! I'm just happy my little tea plant is still growing - maybe it will blossom someday!

  7. Steph, tea has been my beverage of choice since the age of two, so why have I never thought to grow a tea plant?! (slaps forehead) You're certainly doing a lovely job with yours. Beautiful!


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