Tuesday, January 19, 2016

"White" Tea in Britain

Hello!  I'm in London for a work trip and stopped at a popular coffee shop (Pret) yesterday. I asked for an English Breakfast tea. No question of whether I take milk - the tea came out "white" as it was called.  I love how tea transforms itself across cultures!

I spent the weekend prior in Paris, so I'll post some photos of that soon.  And I'm finding ways to sneak in afternoon tea because that is a MUST do!



  1. Lucky gal! Have fun, and remember our fun time in London in 2007!

  2. I look forward to hearing more about your trip soon.

  3. Lucky you! Enjoy your adventure in England!

  4. So that's what you've been up to! :)

    Sip lots of white tea on behalf of all of us who would love to be in London with you ... and travel safely!

  5. Two amazing cities! Glad you are taking time for afternoon tea.

  6. Great cities to spend time taking afternoon tea.


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