Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Tea at a London Pub

In the US, we might not consider a bar a place for afternoon tea, but it's pretty common in the UK.  When I was recently there, I had a lovely tea at Browns Brasserie & Bar. 

Tea was served in the traditional leaves-in-pot style, and I poured through a filter to strain. 

The food was delicious! 
Sandwiches: Watercress and egg salad, salmon with butter, and cucumber with cream cheese.
Scones with jam and clotted cream
Desserts: Vanilla custard, chocolate-covered cream puff, whoopie pie (might not be the British term!) and lemon tart

These serving trays seems to be "en vogue." The one from the yacht was similar.

I want to make a comment about British scones - here is a classic example. Simple, lightly sweet round scones, one plain and one with dried fruit.  The decadence comes from the addition of the jam and cream.  

It was a lovely, leisurely experience (though I got lost finding it, which was another adventure!). I had an entire corner to myself, and the pub wasn't busy yet so I was able to sit and write and sip.  I hope you have the chance to take tea in a pub someday, too.


  1. This looks fabulous! I'll take tea in a pub or anyplace else in England.

  2. Thanks for mentioning tea in a pub. I will have to keep my eyes out for that when we visit England. I do love seeing the simple scones, which is definitely my preference. They are always so beautiful and I keep wondering why mine don't look like that. The sandwiches and sweets all sound wonderful. Can't wait!!!!!!!!!

  3. You had some lovely teas in the UK. Nothing better than sitting, tea drinking, writing or reading.

  4. It definitely makes me wish I were there!
    The British scones are a favorite of mine thanks to the gift of a good recipe from a good friend.
    thanks for sharing the photos and experience...

  5. Another fun tea outing! I'd go on a pub crawl if the bars/pubs here had afternoon tea on their menus!

  6. This looks like an absolutely perfect afternoon! Those scones with the cream and jelly... oh, yes please!

  7. I've never had tea in a pub and didn't really realize that was an option! Thank you for adding to my bucket list on the next trip to the UK!

  8. This looks perfect!Have great tea outing.


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