Monday, March 14, 2016

A FaceTime Tea Party

Those smiling faces are my mom, sister and niece. We recently had so much fun - SO MUCH FUN - on a virtual tea party! I had sent them goodies from my recent trip to Paris and London. (Side note - I still need to write about the Paris tea adventures!)  

Across the miles, the grownups were enjoying the same Mariage Freres Earl Grey Provence tea. My family tried macarons, madeleines and financiers, treasures that had filled my bag on the return flight. Thank goodness I'm a light packer!  

We spent an hour together over video, laughing and having a wonderful time. Most of us have friends and family who live far away. A virtual tea party (with Skype, FaceTime or other tool) brings them closer and makes happy memories!


  1. I love this tea party! Great way to celebrate across the miles!

  2. We had such a wonderful time. This virtual tea party is one of my favorite tea parties ever. And we have had a lot! And we appreciate all of the fun items you send us from your travels. Your niece has really began to dream of traveling with you. :)

  3. How fun! The wonders of technology never ceases to amaze me!

  4. Shanna9:08 AM

    Steph, if you do not subscribe to Sunset Magazine, you need to see a copy of the new April issue. There is an article all about tea growers in Oregon.

  5. What a perfect tea party! Hi to your family!

  6. Now why haven't I thought of that? I've Skyped with editing clients all over the world, so there's no reason I can't Skype with a tea-loving friend across the miles here in the US. Great idea!!!

  7. What a nice idea!

  8. Such a lovely post. Thank you so much for sharing.

  9. Such a nice idea, I love the tea party! Thank your for sharing.

  10. Those things makes me miss alot from home. I love how your family spend time together with teas.

  11. What a very special long distance family-time while sharing tea and treats from far away! Love it!

  12. Such a great way to spend tea part with someone who is far away.


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