Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Iced Tea

 Here's another version of "iced tea!"  :-)  The Pacific Northwest has had quite the number of winter weather events this year, very unusual for us. This was taken last weekend after freezing rain.

My tea plant, Cami (short for Camellia), lives happily on the back balcony.  At least she did until last night when we had a snow storm!  I'm happy to report that the limb is bent, but not broken.

Mother Nature commands my attention, my respect, and my hard work to protect her.


  1. Love the ice leaf picture. Stay warm.

  2. Oh my! Ice and Snow on Cami! Happy New Year to you and your loved ones, Steph! Your word, 'kindness' for 2017 is a very good one. ~ Phyllis

  3. Love your photos! I hope Cami will survive the snow and ice. Keep us posted.

  4. Very cool!

    The blue and white notecards were made by a U.S. company called "Paper Destiny".

  5. Nice to see your Cami is doing OK. I hope ours survive in this very cold weather. The leaves looked a bit dark, but hoping the snow is insulating. Fun frozen leaf shape.


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