Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Tea Fest PDX 2018

The highly anticipated Year 2 for Tea Fest PDX was a success! The organizing team worked hard to bring not only the best from last year, but also improvements and new surprises.  An extra building allowed more space so that everyone could stretch out. Add to that mild summer weather, and amazing teas, and you've got a great day!

I taught the class, The Art and Etiquette of the British Afternoon Tea, and had the chance to partner with Marilyn who coordinated the British Tea Tent. Michelle, shown below, helped in the tent for much of the day and made many people jealous for her dress (which she sewed herself).

Many vendors offered tastings and sold tea and tea ware. This photo was from Minto Island Tea, a company growing and processing tea in Oregon. The photo highlights the steps of production and shows the leaf along the way.

Minto Island also had baby tea plants for sale.

I had the chance to attend three fabulous tastings, including this one with Tealet, sampling gyokuro tea. 

Pulling off an event of this size and scope takes a team of many. The dedicated volunteers work through the great ideas, the difference of opinions, the surprises and even when  cups don't clear customs!  Thank you to this team from the bottom of my teacup!


  1. It was a great tea festival. Thanks for your participation.

  2. Thank you, Stephanie! For the pictures, the kind words, and all of your support. Tea in Portland is better because of you. : )


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