Friday, December 08, 2006

Tea Party Photos

I was blessed last night to be joined by six of my women friends for a tea party at my home. I was also blessed that my team covered for me the night before, so that I could prepare!

A special thanks to the DH for making the scones and all the other help.

Here are a few photos. The menu is at the bottom.

Luminarias, a carry-over from my NM days

Tea table

The centerpiece is floating cranberries and candles.


  • Savories: Pecan-stuffed dates, cucumber sandwiches with rosemary butter, dried fruit-cream cheese sandwiches, and Welsh rarebit
  • Scones: The DH's healthy scones (whole wheat, flaxseed meal, oatmeal, currants) with Devonshire cream and homemade jams
  • Sweets: Sweet stilton cheese with candied lemon peel, chocolate truffles from the Chocolate Emporium and blonde brownies


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    how beautiful it all looks...I wish I could have been there!!!! - Connie

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Floating cranberries! I love it! --Jen

  3. Anonymous5:48 PM

    What a delightful evening you planned. If we lived a little closer to each other I could really get into the "tea" thing! Sheila

  4. Anonymous6:44 AM

    That sounds like a splendiferous tea party! Do you have a recipe for the stuff dates? I would love to try that.

  5. Anonymous4:50 PM

    This looks so pretty. Just looking at the photos I find myself wishing I was there enjoying the good food and girl-bonding conversations!


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