Saturday, September 29, 2007

Braggin' Rights

I've got two reasons to brag today:

#1 - I just became an Aunt on my side of the family. Welcome baby Lola!

#2 - I just ran a personal best in a 5K race. I got 2nd place in my age group (as did the DH, who left me in the dust). My time was 22:06 and I was really happy with it because the course was tough. The race had 5,000 participants (not all in the 5K run) and was a fundraiser for the local cancer center. I wore a tag in memory of my father.

I tried a new pre-race tactic: I had a cup of strong black tea about an hour before the race. I had read about athletes seeing positive results from drinking colas. Just the thought of putting a soda in my belly before race time is enough to make me queasy, but it made me wonder about tea. Who knows if it was the tea or those dang hill repeats the DH has been merciless about each Tuesday morning, but I did well today!
That's me, giving you the peace sign. But I did also get 2nd place in my age group. I suppose I could be showing off. LOL (laughing out loud)!


  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Maybe it wasn't your tea or your hill, but YOU! Good job!

  2. welcome, lola! how lovely for you to become an aunt. i know you've been looking forward to this. hoping all is well with mother, father, baby, auntie, and the whole family.

    nice work on the run as well.

    in munay,

  3. Hooray! Good work, auntie! :)

  4. Congrats to YOU and T on the amazing race finish! We're in awe. Just as we know you'll be when you get to hold baby girl Lola. Give everyone lots of kisses for us too!

  5. Auntie Steph..It has a nice ring to it. No doubt you will be sharing a picture :) Great job on your race!!!!! you truly are awesome!!!

  6. Double congrats on both cool things! :)

  7. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Wow Stephanie! That's a 7 minute mile... you are awesome! Hopefully we can get together when you come see Lola.

  8. Good for you Steph! Second place is awesome!

  9. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Welcome Lola, and a hearty congrats to you!

  10. CONGRATULATIONS on both counts Steph! Thanks for sharing because I'd been wondering how both events turned out.

    Man, 22 minutes & change - that's awesome. I like Teafan's comment...well said. Neither the tea nor the DH did it for you. ;-)

    Welcome Lola! Maybe Auntie Steph will post some pics after she meets you? (hint, hint)


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